Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Possibly a journal entry beginning with "stardate..." 

Another grueling week inside the Fab.  I think the Motorola of yesteryear was much more employee and contractor friendly but it's up to us grunts to design, convert, and manufacture sand into smart glass that powers the IoT so we do it.  Can't let all that sand go to waste, right?  I suffer from the same mentality that affect geeks worldwide- always pushing the BOA (no, not THAT BOA) boundaries of acronyms so I can impress myself.  It makes me appear smarter.  Not that I care about appearing smarter.  Since my phone inserts random text characters and words at will I'm screwed in the appearing smarter category anyhow.

Thank God, I fight to stay tethered to the real world.  When a cohort mentions the "cloud", I naturally look skyward to see what the heck they're talking about.

This week we've been re-examining the failures of related projects, why and when they went south.  Although past research uncovered an inconvenient truth, rampant consumer fraud, this week it hit home.  How are we to get the STATUUS platform including the Hashtagger devices to market when niche wearable wannabe's have begun to sour the market?

Transparency.  That's how.

The Indiegogo campaign is being fine-tuned to create a forum that for all intents and purposes is completely transparent.  Udy is heading up a focus group in a few weeks to further determine how as a startup we can create grassroots legitimacy.  And in doing so, we hope to steer STATUUS as an enabler of technology rather than simply a purveyor of it. Certainly, knowledge is power.  And a knowledgeable consumer that believes in our platform, its simplicity and usefulness will certainly be our most outspoken ally.

The Austin area has long been investing in infrastructure to compete globally in tech development although I-35 South and Mopac still sucks ta tas.  It's time to drive that passion down to ordinary sheeple so that they can free from themselves from corporate governance in their daily lives.  Sorry guys, but I was never a big fan of Apple though I personally admired Steve and Woz for their intuition, guts, drive, and ability to steal concepts blindly from other corporations.  Icons and mouses???  Zerox was a wuss.  But hey, at least the phoenix here ultimately spawned the beloved App Store.  And who says says Grand Theft is relegated to autos?  Hmmph.

To wit though, it's been FB that has earned my wrath most definitively.  How dare Zuck record MY private conversations through MY wife's phone (no FB app fan either, sorry.  Not!) even when her FB app isn't opened.  Now we're just learning about the emotional research thing and how their TOS and privacy policy was bereft of mentioning those kinds of activities until almost a trimester later!?!

I smell a drone.  Huh, ok- I'll see your drone and raise you an Oculus or Slingshot-thingy-app.  Take THAT!!!

Insofar as privacy issues are concerned, Mark and Co. I'm terrified of.  The NSA and our government- not so much.  C'mon, don't we all expect that kind of clandestine activity from governments.  But from a social app, really???  Mark, if you want to know what brand of toilet paper I use just so you can sell that info to advertisers and increase your earnings, then just ask.  As a matter of fact, I'll VOLUNTEER it, Charmin, single ply tissue.  See Zuck- that wasn't so hard, was it?

My point here is that our independence as a nation and as humanity depends on actions that aren't blindly dictated by greedy corporations.  Everybody wants to be rich (or richer) but the sad truth is that everyone cannot be.  Even the uber rich see the burgeoning upper class as a not viable and a long term threat to true wealth.   And that truism exists in New York as it does in Riyadh or Bejing.

Ergo, my hope is that consumers will begin to pay more attention to the worldwide policies and politics of corporations they buy from as much as from the few cents consumers may be saving from non-discretion.  STATUUS may remain a tiny company or may grow into a major player, but one thing is certain.

STATUUS will be responsible and accountable to its backers, members, investors, and its markets.

Thanks for reading my rant de jour.  I'm exhausted from a dearth of sleep these last three years but have an equivalent of several liters of caffeine pulsing through my veins.  Did I ever mention the one time I actually drank 5-Hour Energy.  I felt like I was a crack addict having withdrawal symptoms...

Not fun.

Not fun at all.

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